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The Personal Blog of Philip Andrew D. Mayol – Cebu Blogger

5 Tips On How to Choose A Domain Name For Your Blog

5 Tips On How to Choose a Domain Name For Your Blog | Skip The Flip

You may have some ideas, but what should you keep in mind when you sit down to register a domain name? Choosing a domain name is similar to choosing a company name. It requires a lot of thought and consideration. Your domain name is the identity of who you are and what you write on the Internet.

5 Tips On How to Choose A Domain Name For Your Blog | Skip The Flip

How to Choose a Domain Name For Your Blog

If you want to make sure you choose the right domain name, consider that it does not only fit your content. It should also be on your checklist that the domain name is easy to find and to promote. Not only that, there are other things you need to consider when getting a domain name for your blog. Here are 5 tips:

1) Make It Easy To Type

Finding a domain name that is easy to type on the browser is critical to your blog’s online success. If you use word slangs or terms with multiple spellings, it might be difficult for your site to be found.

2) Inject The KISS: Keep It Short And Simple

It’s simple: if your domain name is long and complex, you risk potential readers to mistyping or misspelling it. Short and simple domain name is the way to go. Period. And also, avoid heavy words. I know you feel very special with the word; can be sentimental or catchy, I would rather choose words like “Universal” or “Global” than this: “Ubiquitous”.

7 Tips On How to Choose A Domain Name For Your Blog | Skip The Flip
Make your domain name easy to search and easy to type.
Short and simple domain name is the way to go. Share on X

3) Avoid Numbers And Hyphens

Numbers and hyphens are often misunderstood. If you meet people and promote your blog, they hear you saying your website address. They don’t know, however, if you’re having the numeral (7) or it’s spelled out (seven). In terms of dashes, they might misplace or forget where to put them. If you really need these in your branding, I would suggest you register the different variations to be safe.

Note that when registering a domain name, you are only allowed to use alphabets (A-Z), numbers (0-9), and dash.

4) Be Memorable

Millions of registered domain names already exist. Having a domain that is both catchy and memorable is essential. Once you’ve come up with a name, don’t be shy to share it with close friends to make sure it sounds appealing and makes sense to others. Also, remember to make it intuitive. A good domain name gives people a strong idea of what a website will be about or who is writing for the blog. It definitely is a big win.

Do you need blogging tips, click here.

5) Avoid Trademark Violations

You need to be careful in registering a name for your blog. It’s not whether you think your domain name could be confusing, it’s about a potential instance where a company might take legal action against you because they consider your domain name confuses other people with their brand. This can also create a backlash on your part, which is hard for your branding as a blogger.

7 Tips On How to Choose A Domain Name For Your Blog | Skip The Flip
Registering a domain name for your blog needs planning.

BONUS Tips: Do It Quick And Act Fast

They sell quickly. However, they’re also not that expensive (well, it depends on the extensions like .com, .org, .ph,, and others). So, you need to register your favorite domain names as soon as possible. If you’re having trouble finding an available name, domain registrars like NameCheap will suggest alternate names during your domain search to help you find the perfect domain name.

Quick solution: Got a great idea for a domain? Register one today and put a unique website out there before someone else gets it first.

When you’re trying to come up with a good name for your blog, it’s important to come up with one that can stand the test of time and that accurately represents you and your website or brand.

7 Tips On How to Choose A Domain Name For Your Blog | Skip The Flip
Look for good deals on domain name registration,
...put a unique website out there before someone else gets it first. Share on X

ALSO READ: Which WordPress To Choose?

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Philip Andrew Mayol
Philip Andrew Mayol
I'm a freelance digital content creator. I write online for blogs full-time, and sometimes press materials for companies. I also conduct workshops and seminars for content creation and smartphone photography. I'm a Computer Engineer and have worked professionally as a Leadership and Management Trainer and Coach for a BPO company in Cebu City for 5 years.

I'm a blogger, a crazy kid, and a happy piece of a blob. My star sign is on the cusp of the Crab and the Lion. I am Julian.