Boost Your Immune System With Nutritious Food And 15 Of These Food Boosters To Stay Healthy | Skip The Flip

Boost Your Immune System With Nutritious Food And 15 Of These Food Boosters To Stay Healthy

The last two years have underscored the importance of taking care of ourselves by eating healthy and prioritizing rest and sleep. Eating the right food, and sleeping enough can keep your immune system in top shape through food boosters prepared at home, and reduce stress.

Boost Your Immune System With Nutritious Food And 15 Of These Food Boosters To Stay Healthy | Skip The Flip

Boost Your Immune System With Nutritious Food And 15 Of These Food Boosters To Stay Healthy

Feeding your body certain food may help keep your immune system strong. If you’re looking for preventive ways, here are fifteen (15) immune system boosters that will help you achieve that protection to stay healthy:


1) Citrus fruits. Vitamin C is thought to increase the production of white blood cells. These are key to fighting infections.
2) Kiwi. Kiwis are naturally full of a ton of essential nutrients, including folate, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C.
3) Papaya. You can find 224 percent of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C in a single papaya. Papayas also have a digestive enzyme called papain that has anti-inflammatory effects.

Papaya is loaded with vitamin C which can help boost immune function. | Skip The Flip
Papaya is loaded with vitamin C which can help boost immune function. This fruit also has a powerful antioxidant effect which can help fight against free radicals and reduce oxidative stress which often leads to diseases.


4) Red bell peppers. Ounce for ounce, red bell peppers contain twice as much vitamin C as citrus. They’re also a rich source of beta carotene. Beta carotene helps keep your eyes and skin healthy.
5) Broccoli. Packed with vitamins A, C, and E, as well as many other antioxidants and fiber, broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables you can put on your table.

From optimal brain function to muscle growth, broccoli is a power-packed vegetable. | Skip The Flip
From optimal brain function to muscle growth, broccoli is a power-packed vegetable. Broccoli contains high levels of both calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis.

6) Garlic. The immune-boosting properties of garlic seem to come from a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin. It also helps lower blood pressure and slows down the hardening of the arteries.
7) Spinach. It is packed with numerous antioxidants and beta carotene, which may increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune systems.
8) Ginger. Ginger may help decrease inflammation, which can help reduce a sore throat and other inflammatory illnesses. Ginger may also help decrease nausea. It packs some heat in the form of gingerol, a relative of capsaicin.

Ginger has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in keeping several ailments at bay and helps fighting infections. | Skip The Flip
Ginger has been used as an active ingredient and this is due to the presence of Gingerol, an active component that makes ginger a perfect immunity booster. It has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help in keeping several ailments at bay and helps fight infections.

Meats, Snacks And Nuts

9) Shellfish. Some types of shellfish are packed with zinc. It doesn’t get as much attention as many other vitamins and minerals, but our bodies need it so that our immune cells can function as intended.
10) Poultry. It helps improve symptoms of a cold and also helps protect you from getting sick in the first place. Poultry, such as chicken and turkey, is high in vitamin B-6.
11) Sunflower seeds. They are full of nutrients, including phosphorous, magnesium, and vitamin B-6. Sunflower seeds are also incredibly high in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant.

Sunflower seeds are a great immune supporter, thanks to their vitamin E content. | Skip The Flip
Sunflower seeds are a great immune supporter, thanks to their vitamin E content. They also contain a bit of zinc and selenium, two other immune system friends.

12) Yogurt. It is a great source of vitamin D, so try to select brands fortified with vitamin D. Vitamin D helps regulate the immune system and is thought to boost our body’s natural defenses against diseases.
13) Turmeric. This bright yellow, bitter spice has also been used for years as an anti-inflammatory in treating both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
14) Almonds. Nuts, such as almonds, are packed with vitamins and also have healthy fats. A half-cup serving, which is about 46 whole, shelled almonds, provides nearly 100 percent of the recommended daily amount of vitamin E.
15) Green tea. It is a good source of the amino acid L-theanine. L-theanine may aid in the production of germ-fighting compounds. Green tea really excels is in its levels of epigallocatechin gallate, another powerful antioxidant.

In addition to a healthy and active lifestyle, green tea is useful for our immune system and for boosting our cells. | Skip The Flip
In addition to a healthy and active lifestyle, green tea is useful for our immune system and for boosting our cells. Its polyphenol content (and in particular EGCG) gives it several beneficial properties. Indeed, these active ingredients are known for their antioxidant properties but also for their role in our immune system.

Getting enough rest can improve your immune system, memory function, and concentration. Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is tough. We have to balance it with our daily lives and those daily lives can be hectic. That is why spending more time snoozing and prioritizing it is key.

If sleep problems are an issue, the World Association of Sleep Medicine suggests several tips that can help improve sleep quality:

1) Exclusively using your bed for sleeping;
2) Refraining from consuming caffeine six hours before bedtime;
3) Eating a light dinner;
4) Limiting naps to 45 minutes; and
5) Creating a comfortable sleeping environment by keeping the room dark and well-ventilated or using the right mattress)

Establishing a sleep-friendly environment is something that is very important in achieving quality rest.

Sleep and the immune system have a bidirectional relationship. | Skip The Flip
Sleep provides essential support to the immune system. Getting sufficient hours of high-quality sleep enables a well-balanced immune defense that features strong innate and adaptive immunity, efficient response to vaccines, and less severe allergic reactions.

ALSO READ: Helpful Tips To Overcome Stress From A Day’s Work

A healthy immune system reduces your chance of viral infection. With these natural ways to boost the immune system, you can achieve a healthy lifestyle.

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