If after days, weeks, months or years of planning and still, you haven’t started one single post on your blog, it might be time to give it a go or rethink of content you are most convenient to formulate and to share. First, why blog?

Five Ways To Put A Spark And Save The Life Of Your Blog
Your blog must be carefully planned as it gives you, the blogger, the position as a thought leader. The blogger and the blog add fresh content online, provide information, open an opportunity for new ideas, and other possible outcomes the readers can get from your work. The blog can be a means of engagement with your audience. It also gives the blogger a platform to share and to speak opinion and ideas.
To easily get the content rolling on your blog, here are five ways to put life to your work and sprinkle an awesome spark to it:
1) Personalize your posts.
Every blogger has its own unique style of writing. As a blogger, you need to embrace the idea that spending time to personalize your content is very crucial to putting life on your work. If you, however, don’t fancy yourself as a good writer, you can always collaborate with other bloggers. Then again, making it your own does make it very special for you and your readers.

Add your own voice and convey your personality on how you write so your readers can easily connect with you. This way, you can make the best and most authentic work there is on a blog that will surely last.
Add your own voice and convey your personality on how you write so your readers can easily connect with you. Share on X2) Backup your opinions with true facts, evidence and proof, and real-life examples.
Support your writing by giving out examples as the foundation of your opinion. These examples are valuable and priceless. Let’s say if you wanted to point out something to relay your idea, provide related studies, add quotes from reliable experts and utilize real-life experiences.
This strategy does not only give you an authority for your work. It also strengthens your brand as a blogger and as a person who provides information online.
3) Format your post properly.
Organization and order is key to blogging. No one is going to read a blog post that looks like a huge block of texts. To attract readers, make your posts look appealing, easy on the eye, and clean to look at. You may use bullets, lists, and formatted copy of your blog post.
Like a school term paper, you can have a brief introduction, a discussion, and a conclusion. In blogging, a conclusion can be an invitation to readers to continue following you on your blog or a simple call-to-action statement like subscribing to your other social media channels like Facebook, Twitter and other platforms available for them.
Organization and order is key to blogging. Share on X4) Use Visuals and Infographics.
Before you post a 1,000-word essay, you need to also think visually. Infographics, videos, pictures and other visual-related content can be added to your work. Always remember that an image can help your readers interpret your words. It can start an engagement for readers to also share their own idea about the topic.
Also, consider that there are different kinds of learners and one of them is what we call visual learners. When you blog, think of a family member or a friend who does not want to read a book without pictures. Be open to the idea that it can be possible for you to attract readers who are the same. Blog content these days can be so much more than just words on a blog.
5) Get yourself some loyal readers.
Make it a rule that every time you post a new content, you promote it on different channels. As I’ve mentioned in my previous blog post, the reason why no one is reading your blog is that you are not telling them about it. You went to all the trouble to write. So, it is just fitting that after you hit that publish button, spread the word.
Don’t be afraid to share your work with others. It can be a little scary at first, but always remember the very first reason why you wanted to start a blog. The public eye can be cruel at times, but the best way to tell other people that you’re blogging is to tell them.
...after you hit that publish button, spread the word. Share on XALSO READ: No One Is Reading My Blog, Even My Friends
Final Thoughts
These five ways can’t be enough to help you with what you want to happen. There are more things to be done and more options to be considered on how to keep your blog alive. It’s common to feel down if you reach a point where you keep on blogging and you found out that no one is reading your work. Always remember that blogging does not come easy as a snap of a finger. It is not also rocket science that you need to really master everything at once.
Blogging is a continuous learning. Along the way, you will encounter difficulties that I am sure you can handle because there are a lot of resources you can find online to help you overcome them. As a starter, consider these five ways and keep on learning new things to pump up your blog. Putting a spark to your blog and saving the life of it does not go around on these five ways. A little help from Google will get you a long way.

Do you need more blogging tips, check them here.
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