I’ve started blogging out of my idea that I need to continue my passion in writing. As a student journalist who started at the very young age of 15, writing for a school paper became a part of my life. I began contributing to the Community Development section of our school paper, until such time I became a Literary Editor and later, an Editor-in-Chief.

To Blog Or Not To Blog
Blogging became my calling and I religiously spend time with it for more than a decade. However, blogging never became a snap of a finger for me. It took me years to get used to doing it and also enhance my blogging skills. I never had an intensive training on blogging and on the things that come along with it.
Along the way and the years that have passed, it became clearer to me that blogging can be a good avenue for me to continue writing. It did and still is today.
When I started blogging, I have limited resources and the expertise to blogging. But since writing is my passion, it became much easier.

Here are the five things why I became comfortable with blogging (and you can be, too):
1) Write regularly
The only way to get used to blogging is to blog all the time. It does not mean that you need to publish one entry every day (however, there are some bloggers who are doing it), but consistency does help with your blogging.
Applicable to a lot of things, if you keep doing what you wanted to achieve, you can become comfortable with doing it. Also, when you blog regularly, you can hone your writing skills as well as learn from the weaknesses you have in terms of writing.
2) Join blogging workshops
There are a lot of workshops, webinars and other resources available. To be able to have the skills needed in blogging, you must never stop learning.
There are some things that we need to upgrade to help us be competitive with the things we do. Workshops and other learning materials can also contribute to the existing skills you have and improve them.
3) Socialize with other bloggers
There’s nothing more helpful but to have a meaningful interaction with people who share the same passion that you have. Bloggers, no matter what the niche they are writing about, need to go out from the four corners of their room and socialize.
Even though very prominent to online presence, bloggers are human, too, and they need physical engagement from other bloggers or from those who have the interest in blogging. Always make sure that you spend some time outside of blogging to give you time for a breather.

ALSO READ: The Pros And Cons Of Being A Blogger
4) Learn from other bloggers
Bloggers have their own strengths and weaknesses. With other bloggers’ experiences and challenges, you can learn from these things. You can have a roundtable discussion or a session over a cup of coffee, and talk about ideas or share expertise.
There’s a competition in blogging, however, learning from people who also have the same spark with the things you love to do can boost your confidence and add up to your technical skills in terms of blogging and writing online.
5) Build your brand
Expand your network and engagement with people or establishment that you feel can help you grow your brand. According to studies, companies that operate a blog as part of their business gain 80% potential customers, and as a blogger, you can be a partner that can help grow their business. At the same time, it can also give you opportunities to grow your own.
Branding is very important in blogging. It is your identity and it can be an essential part of who you are and who you will become as an online writer, and soon, an influencer. Your brand is you, and that is why building your brand and growing your network can give you the credibility of what you can do best for both parties.

Is It Really A Question?
Always remember that blogging is not for everyone. It can be enticing to a lot of people, however, if passion is nowhere to be seen, it will not last long. It can be a very frustrating thing to think that you, as a potential blogger, started something so eagerly that all of a sudden, the passion died down and eventually, would stop blogging.
Blogging can cost you a lot of money, time and effort, too. It is something that you need to think about if you wanted to start to blog. Planning is needed in blogging (even though you wanted it to be something out of a hobby). Every hobby needs a sit down in the blueprint table and a long-term planning scheme.
Blogging is fun to do, as long as you always encourage yourself to do it. It is indeed a calling, something that you need to be motivated to keep on doing.
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