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The Personal Blog of Philip Andrew D. Mayol – Cebu Blogger

The 10 Things I Love To Have On My Birthday This Year

I once posted on my Facebook account about being alright not receiving gifts on Christmas because I prefer the giving part of it. But, if it’s on my birthday, I would really ask (or beg) for some amazing gifts I would love to have because… it’s my birthday.

The 10 Things I Love To Have On My Birthday This Year | Skip The Flip
[Photo credit:]

The 10 Things On My Birthday Gifts Wishlist

July is my birthday month and surely I am wanting to receive cool stuff from family and friends (and some from sponsors) and from random people, I guess, or even, buy some of them myself.

1) Lifetime Netflix Subscription. Because I love watching movies on my free time, I would like to have a lifetime subscription on Netflix. I’ve been loving Netflix shows lately and I wish to have a lifetime subscription so I won’t worry if my account gets renewed without thinking if I have PayPal money. So, yeah, Netflix.

2) A Decent Vlogging Camera. I really wanted to start video blogging and post the videos on YouTube. But I am still thinking of the best vlogging camera in the market. I have heard some great reviews on Canon Powershot G 7x but it’s quite on the pricey side. I also heard great things about the Canon EOS M Series (M10 and M3), but I am not also sure about it. I love to consider Fujifilm mirrorless cameras, too.

3) A Month-Long Tour Around The Philippines. I have been to many different places in the country, but I am very sure that I haven’t been to places like Boracay, Palawan, Siargao, Dumaguete, and a lot more. As far as I can remember, I have been to Baguio, Tagaytay, Makati, Cagayan de Oro, Bohol, Bukidnon, Cotabato, Davao, and General Santos, but I wanted to add more on my bucket list of the places I want to go and visit.

4) More Books. I think the majority of you already know that I love books a lot. Considering that I currently have the struggles with the already cramped bookshelves, I still wanted to have more books. I collect different kinds of books from inspirational, fiction, lecture and self-help, novels, Christian, and many others. I still want to own more, to be honest, and I badly need a bigger bookshelf.

5) A Very Portable But Powerful Laptop. I’ve been using my 7-year old HP Presario CQ40 Laptop which I bought at Christmas of 2009 and the screen got broken. What I have now for my blogging when I’m at home is a half-dead laptop. It is connected to a desktop monitor, so I can still see the display. I have an HP Stream 11 but the thing with this small (but reliable) netbook is its internal storage limitation of 32GB. I need to have applications installed like Photoshop and other video editing tools that I need in the future. That is why I am wishing for a MacBook Air 11 with the 256GB internal storage. But because it’s Apple, it is very expensive for me.

The 10 Things I Love To Have On My Birthday This Year | Skip The Flip
Very sleek, very portable. [Photo credit:]

REVIEW: HP Stream 11

I Also Wanted To Have These Things Happen To Me Someday

6) A Legit Coffee And Pastries Shop Business. I love to hang with my office mates and friends at a cozy and a-little-bit-quiet coffee shop around the city. I was thinking, “what if I start my own coffee shop with pastries, the Internet, and books in one place?” That would be cool, wouldn’t it? I fancy a medium-sized place that can house 20 people. There should be tables, chairs, and bookshelves. I am also picturing in my mind right now, a wall of bricks made out of brown clay. It must have a wooden floor with a view overseeing a garden with a Japanese-inspired gazebo. So dapper.

7) A Charity Drive For My Advocacy. I am an advocate of UNICEF Philippines Champions for Children. (Read: How I Became A Champion For Children) I am an active member since 2012 and my monthly contribution already ended last 2014. I still donate staggard amount to them from the money I collected when someone requested for sponsored postings on my blog and from Google Adsense. But what I want to happen is to gather friends who wanted to sell stuff, like a bazaar, and donate a portion of their sales to UNICEF Philippines.

8) Get To Meet Mayor President Duterte Again. When I said “again”, it’s because I’ve met him in person many times already. I stayed in Davao City for 6 years to study college. With that many times I’ve seen him, I’ve met and talked to him only twice. I have a very short chit-chat with him while my friends and I walked to the streets going home. He was still the city mayor of Davao at that time. Since he’s already President, I want to meet him again and have a short talk and probably discuss his leadership and management style.

9) A Tour To The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter. I am a big Harry Potter fan. It’s the one thing that taught me to appreciate books and literature. When I’ve found out that a Harry Potter theme park opened years ago, I literally cried while watching the video on YouTube. I really wanted to go, but I am still in the process of saving a lot of money because they say traveling to the UK is expensive. And I want to buy everything at the souvenir shop, so I need more money for that. Add the opportunity to meet and greet Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, J.K. Rowling, and all the actors of the movie.

The 10 Things I Love To Have On My Birthday This Year | Skip The Flip
Can you ‘Wingardium Leviosa’ me to this place now? Please? [Photo credit:]

10) A Vacation to South Korea. It’s the last thing on my list, but I wanted this to happen as soon as possible. It has been a long-pending plan. I wanted to experience what it’s like to travel abroad the first time. I also wanted to meet my friends there. Shout out to Jinyoung and Yoongwong. But the best thing about having the chance to visit South Korea is to try authentic Korean food and have a glimpse of palaces and temples. I also dream of having a picture taken next to King Sejong’s monument.

Well, that’s it for now. I still have more on my birthday wish list but I want to present the first 10 so I won’t get overwhelmed. My birthday is fast approaching, yet I have so many things that I love to have and to happen this year. Hopefully, I have all the time and money to spend.

This may sound cringy, but of course, I am still wishing on my birthday for good health for me and my family, and also my dear friends who are family to me. There’s nothing more fulfilling than having the people you love to spend another year with you even though you are far from them. And besides, the love and the care people can give you and you can give back is universal. They are everywhere, hopefully, in this ever-changing world that we are in.

I am so excited right now!

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