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The Personal Blog of Philip Andrew D. Mayol – Cebu Blogger

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time

There’s no greater feeling than this: meeting your idols for the very first time, in person, and up close. That’s what I have got to say when I had the chance to be with The Moffatts when they have their Reunion Tour in Cebu. And to be honest with what I felt on the experience, I was not able to hide being an avid fanboy during the press conference last November 21, 2018, at Solea Mactan Cebu Resort in Cordova.

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time

It was not long ago when I have a glimpse of an ad posted on Facebook that “The Moffatts” will be returning to the Philippines for their Reunion Tour Concert. The excitement heightened when I found out that one of their itineraries will be here in Cebu. From what I have learned during the event briefing, they first went to Cebu last 2000. During that year, I just entered college in Davao City and started my bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering.

Going back to that year, Cebu was then a childhood dream destination for a family vacation and what more I learn about it is “We only come here during Sinulog Festival (if given the chance). Period.” They also recently released (in 1998) their album Chapter I: A New Beginning that included songs like “Girl of My Dreams”, “If Life Is So Short”, “Miss You Like Crazy”, and many others that put the Moffatts in one my favorite bands during high school.

Fast forward: 2018. Here I am, in Cebu, and my anticipation to see Scott, Bob, Clint, and Dave in the flesh, in one room, and watch them sing live because, of course, they are “The Moffats”. Seeing them in person is quite a wait for me.

Within 20 years, I have listened to their music on the radio, have watched their music videos on MTV, have bought a cassette tape that was beyond my school allowance, and have practiced and sang their songs for a live performance at a school fair.

At last, the Moffatts walked by past my seat, less than 10 steps away, and waved at us. All I can do was smile back, clap like there’s no tomorrow and stare back blankly at them as they passed by the table.

I was feeling half alive, half dead – I still couldn’t believe it happened. Christmas arrived very early for me.

Uncontrollable Fanboying

When the program started, Kim Covert (Binibining Cebu Tourism 2018), who played host during the event, asked them a question: How to say their last name right. Their reply proved me that I was and still saying it correctly. It’s /Mah’fet/, not /Mow’fat/.

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip
Ms. Kim Covert
Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip
Clint, Dave, Bob, and Scott, with Ms. Kim Covert during the press conference interview

However, If you call them as a group, it’s The Moffatts, but if you only refer to only of the brothers, it’s Moffatt. One of the twins (because at first I was confused about which one is Bob and which one is Clint) confirmed that they are fine being called the /Mow’fat/ because they’re used to it already.

At The Press Conference

My friend Aldrin and I were quiet on the side, but deep down inside we’re both fanboys singing our hearts out the time they had a sample performance of their hit song “Miss You Like Crazy” in acoustic version. They also sang one of their new songs, “So In Love”. Here’s a short video:

They opened up about their lives in the past. After their massive success, they have toured around the world, including the Philippines, and continued making music. They even shared that the Philippines is one of their biggest fanbase and their fans haven’t forgotten their songs in the past 20 years, hence coming here for the second time around for a reunion concert.

Since it’s a press conference, we were given an opportunity to ask questions. As a fanboy, of course, I didn’t hesitate to throw one. So, here it is (and this is probably the most bizaar question I have given during a press conference: “I want to become a Moffatt. What do I need to do to become one and how is it like?”

What an idiot. I really did fanboy and to the highest level of embarrassment.

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip

Even so, Scott (Hi, Scott!), being the eldest of the four, answered my question. I can’t remember everything he said, word for word. But the thought was, their family is dynamic, musically-inclined, and was thoroughly managed by their dad, Frank, who was also there during the briefing.

They also said that at first, they felt that they were forced to do it. Starting at a very age singing country music, the Moffatt family who started living in Canada, moved to the United States, and performed there. In 1998, they dropped country music and began singing pop/rock music as it showed on their Chapter I: A New Beginning and Submodalities albums between 1998 – 2000.

Before the end of the press conference, we were told for a photo opportunity with the band. Old-fashioned and fanboy as I am, aside from the photo idea, I took the press kit envelope and guess what I did.

I got myself autographs! Fanboy.

I never missed taking a photo with them and also I ran at the back and also got one from Frank, the dad.

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip
The Moffatts (and the fanboys at both ends)
Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip
Frank Moffatt, the dad and tour manager, and I because why not!

At The Concert

I was also there during the live concert at the Hoops Dome Area last November 23, 2018, and it was a blast. The crowd joined the singing and went berserk when the Moffatts performed their closing song, “Miss You Like Crazy”. Of course, almost everyone sang and the venue became a gigantic videoke room, no microphones needed.

Here are some of the photos I took to share with you the experience:

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip

Meeting The Moffatts For The Very First Time | Skip The Flip

The feeling of being there and seeing them in person is memorable. I grew up with their songs and I was so stoked when I was invited for the Moffatts Reunion Tour 2018 Press Conference.

After 20 years, the Moffatt brothers Scott, Clint, Bob, and Dave were together to perform live in concert and I couldn’t thank enough the people who made this dream amazing: Sir Adi Diongzon and the Prima Vera Event Management team for bringing The Moffatts to Cebu and for partnering with me to cover the events.

ALSO READ: 5 Life Lessons I’ve Learned From The Hey Joe Show

If you’re a fan of The Moffatts, follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also dig their hits on Spotify and sing-along to their hits old and new.

Here are some videos of The Moffatts performing two of their hits “Girl Of My Dreams”, and “Miss You Like Crazy”.

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