I always believe that blogging is a beautiful form of passion. From what I have said in my previous post that “blogging will bring you to far places“. Some bloggers consider this as something they can have the opportunity to earn. It can be like a business or a career. But, let us all think that the systems in blogging go up or down. You can be demotivated to blog sometimes in your blogger’s life.

Blogger Friends Are Starting To Get Demotivated To Blog
I have been reading random status updates from friends who blog. These messages entail that they get demotivated to blog and pursue their passion for blogging. But why? I have the situation into different conclusions, and I have come up with five (5) possible reasons.
1) They Keep Their Hopes Up (Without Even The Plan)
Blogging is an attractive passion. It gives you an avenue to express your opinion and get a following. You can say anything (as long as you don’t violate any cyber laws or something). Writing online is very fulfilling, too. It can be your personal diary of experiences that you want to remember for the rest of your life.
There are bloggers who already think of something big they cannot cope with. They failed to plan what they want to write and who to write it for (aside from themselves). From my previous discussion, a blogger should think about their niche or topic. This is crucial because you will turn around this world you have chosen.
If you want to write about lifestyle, you go ahead. You want to express your thoughts about travel or fashion, why not? But did you consider what to write about beforehand? Did you create your long-term plan? If your answer to those questions is “No”, well, I am guessing you need to pause for a while and write down your plans.

I have decided that starting next month, I will publish a new blog post on this blog every Thursday, every Sunday or Monday. I have reasons why I have concluded that plan. I am using Google Analytics to help decide with that. I also considered other things that I will be doing. One includes the growing of my YouTube channel.
Editing a video for YouTube will take me 4-5 hours for a 12-minute long video.
I don’t go with daily blogging and I have reasons for that. I currently manage many blogs. Every blog has its own schedule of posting (depending on the need and trend).
Here’s my posting schedule table for two of my blogs:
Blog | Niche | Day of the Week |
www.skiptheflip.com | Personal, Lifestyle | Thursdays, Sundays (evening) or Mondays (morning) |
www.cebufinest.com | Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle | Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays or Sundays |
I have this posting plan at the start of the year. I may not be consistent with it because sometimes I am required to publish a post for my brand partners and sponsors as soon as possible. But at least I have this table to guide me (and tell me not to blog too much).
2) They Compare Themselves To Other Bloggers
Every blogger is unique and you are not exempted from that. You have your own writing style. If you compare yourself to other bloggers you follow, I am sure you will be demotivated and fail. Make these bloggers your inspiration, not someone you need to imitate.
I follow other bloggers, too. Since I consider myself a blogger that is less-traveled, I follow and read travel blogs. However, it never came into my mind to be like that travel blogger. I have self-belief. I trust that I can do it. If I can do this for almost 10 years of experience in blogging, why can’t you?
The last words I have read from this blog says it all:
If you’re constantly negative towards yourself, your work and/or blog will suffer. It won’t be you anymore, but rather, the product of what you’re comparing yourself to. Stay true to yourself and take pride in the fact that you’re out there doing what you love… and simply enjoy it.
We all started to that newbie stage. I, too, was once a blogger that published my first blog post. Everyone does, and so do you. Stop comparing yourself to other bloggers and avoid to be demotivated.

Always remember that if you keep on comparing yourself to others, you will lose the essence of who you are on your blog. It is very painful that one day, your reader will leave a comment on one of your blog posts, saying, “I love your blog. You write like (insert blogger’s name).” It can be a compliment, but, ideally, your blog is a product of you, not from that other blogger.
3) They Stop The Learning
If you want to become a leader in blogging, I have one advice to give you: DON’T STOP THE LEARNING.
There are many ways to continue the learning in growing your blog. You can attend seminars and workshops, you can subscribe to blogs that give you tips. Just recently, I attended two webinars from Ms. Janette Toral and Michael Hyatt. Both provided a 2-hour discussion on blogging and how to grow your blog. You check for free webinars or shell out some money to attend to one. It’s an investment.

ALSO READ: Blogging Tips
My knowledge of SEO is not on an expert level. I know SEO but I am not a master of that part of blogging. But with my continuous learning and study about it, I slowly learn to utilize Google Analytics. I also do research a lot. I am a research type of person and I consider that an advantage. Even writing this blog post made me spend an hour doing research from online resources relevant to what I want to convey.
Again, don’t stop learning. If you already achieve what you want to achieve on your blog, never stop learning.
4) When They Start The Earning, They Forget The Passion
I am going to be honest with you, with my readers, and to everyone who passes by my blog. I earn while blogging. I even posted a blog post it on how I earn while blogging. I am not afraid to say that because it’s the truth.
If you read the blog post, don’t forget “the gist” and “the challenging part” section of the blog post. It’s a challenge to establish the stability to earn while you blog. It took me 6 years to stabilize my blogs to earn from Google Adsense, from accepting sponsored posts, and from brand partnerships.

When you start earning on your blog, there are always expectations. They can be from your readers and from your brand partners. Make sure to maintain your credibility with both entities. You should promote the right brand that you believe in. Don’t just accept a brand because they offer you a big amount of money and then lose your following. Always remember that your readers and followers are people who joined your community because they believe in you, and trust you.
Promoting a brand because of the amount of money they offer and lose your readers’ trust is a sacrificial act. Go back to the reason why the brand made a partnership with you: it’s because of your following. So, if you lose your following, you will lose the brand partnership.
Other bloggers say that passion goes first before earning. I agree because that’s how it should be. But if other bloggers will tell you to stop earning and just maintain the passion, ask them first if they can pay you the time, effort, and money you spend. Not to forget the maintenance of your blogs (that include financial responsibilities on hosting and domain registration.)
5) They Fail To Build Their Network
I am a one-man blogger. What I mean is, I singularly write for my websites and blogs. To keep my blogging ball from rolling (and not get demotivated), I put my trust in other bloggers. I am open to their opinions on how to improve my blogs. I join blogging communities to meet other bloggers to brainstorm ideas and tips to grow my blog.
Have the mindset that you don’t know everything. That way, you can have the open-mindedness to other bloggers’ suggestions. Also, reach out to brands that you fully trust. Make that connection and relationship that will last longer. Show them that you trust their brand and surely they will show you the trust you need to build your network.
Don’t neglect the chances of socializing. You go out from the four walls of your room. Reach out to people and to other bloggers, too. Achievable ideas are overflowing over a cup of coffee or roundtable chit-chat somewhere else outside the comfort of your workstation. Take notes of what you have learned from them and also share your knowledge and your expertise.
Sharing will never hurt you. Sharing is growth to your blog and to your network.

Make ties with people most especially with your audience. Meet them if you can. Register to blog conventions in your area or have the confidence to speak in front of a small crowd and don’t be afraid to share.
The Conclusion
When you are on the level that you are demotivated to blog and you wanted to quit, why bother? Again, the systems in blogging go up or down. It’s like life: “if on the first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again, and again.”
If you are demotivated to blog, that is normal. Just don’t miss out on the chances to regain motivation. Love what you do. Love blogging, and always remember the very reason why you started it in the first place.
I can’t really say not to be demotivated to blog because I have been there, too.
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